PROJECT ROOM: She has been walking up these stairs for 30 years

Katarína Poliačiková

Koordinátor: Michal Stolárik

Oct 03, 2012 - Oct 28, 2012
Galéria HIT, Bratislava

Oct 03, 2012 3PM

* Repetition and recollection are the same movement, just in
opposite directions, because what is recollected has already been and
is thus repeated backwards, whereas genuine repetition is recollected
forwards. Repetition, if it is possible, thus makes a person happy,
while recollection makes him unhappy. Recollection is discarded clothing
which, however lovely it might be, no longer suits one because
one has outgrown it. Repetition is clothing that never becomes
worn, that fits snugly and comfortably, that neither pulls nor hangs
too loosely. (S. Kieerkegard)

These three lines I write all day and yet it took only a few minutes; I sit at the kitchen table and when I look through the window, I see an old man, as every day coming back with shopping... walking up the long stairs to the gate of his house ... ..and while comes up, I have finished.

1 Søren Kierkegaard, Opakování